- Borderlands - Supposedly its a mix between the typical FPS and Diablo. If its anything like Diablo I'm sure it will last.
- Hellgate London (http://www.hellgatelondon.com/) - A few guys from work got their Beta key. I did not. Lots and lots of hype with this one. Been browsing around the site and it seems like a really mass slaying game. Game design looks kick ass. I definitely suggest to keep an eye on this one
- Warhammer Online - Hype, hype, hype, hype, and more HYPE. People say that this game will "kill World of Warcraft" but I doubt that. I'm sure it will improve in some aspects. But Blizzard has done a damn fine job on WoW as it is. I'm sure Warhammer will just offer the same thing Blizzard has only with a different flavor. We'll have to see.
The future of gaming is just getting more and more intense it seems. But, gaming right now will certainly be on a lull right now due to Halo 3 being released last midnight. We'll have to see how it all plays out.